Friday, February 22, 2008

Additional Institute Small Group Responses

Each NASPA Multicultural Institute Small Group was asked during their final session to answer the questions, "What kinds of adaptations (personally and professionally) do we need to make to reflect an understanding of cultural diversity? What are some concrete steps you can take to make these adaptations?"

· Getting faculty involved including those in disciplines not generally engaged in social justice work.
· Infusing multiculturalism in work on campus. Give practical ways to consider how a policy will impact different groups. Instead of waiting for everyone to have experiences/realizations that impact their work, provide practical ways for them to apply it.
· Include in evaluations for tenure.
· Encouraging/informing students to educate, push, and talk with administrators.
· Talking with presidents of student groups about interacting with Deans and VPSAs around multiculturalism.
· Be tactical to bring alliances together and how you present to different audiences.
· Incorporate part of decision-making process to include equity.
· Include students on all campus committees.
· Continue and challenge family and colleagues one on one.People can change behaviors more easily and faster than they can change attitudes. Attitudes will follow behaviors, so work with people on the behavior they can modify.

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